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Career Transition: An Opportunity or a Catastrophe?

Career Transition: An Opportunity or a Catastrophe?

Amanda Hamilton | 10 February 2021

Learn how to cope with career change and turn it from a catastrophe into an opportunity.

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The Changing Face of Psychometric Testing

The Changing Face of Psychometric Testing

Amanda Hamilton | 15 November 2018

Psychometric testing is critical to the recruitment process, however, OCG Senior Consultant Psychologist, Amanda Hamilton, discusses how its use as an effective development tool is key when the candidate isn’t a ‘perfect fit’ for the role.

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Dream of Gamification

Dream of Gamification

Amanda Hamilton | 20 February 2018

Psychometric assessments are a key way for employers to find out more information about the people they’re looking to hire, but what used to be a long, multiple-choice test, has now transformed thanks to technology. OCG’s resident Organisational Psychologist, Amanda Hamilton, weighs in.

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Suffering from a Talent Shortage? Create Your Own Talent

Suffering from a Talent Shortage? Create Your Own Talent

Amanda Hamilton | 08 November 2017

The current perception of a talent shortage has employers searching high and low for skilled, capable, and experienced professionals.
But in doing so, are they overlooking untapped capability in potential employees? OCG's resident Organisational Psychologist, Amanda Hamilton, explores.

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The Powerful Importance of Being a Mindful Leader

The Powerful Importance of Being a Mindful Leader

Amanda Hamilton | 14 March 2016

In the last decade, a new style of leadership based on positive psychology has begun to emerge in businesses around the world; mindfulness. So how can this make you a better leader?

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